Thursday, May 26, 2005

Damn women

I finally got back out on the bike. Felt pretty good, but there are some serious allergens floating around these parts. My eyes are on fire right now! Good thing I bought that eye-wash station from the guy over at the gas station. Talk about soothing.

It's not bad, but I've lived in towns that are far more "biker friendly". (Which reminds me, if anyone out there has a firm handle on whether or not the "quotation marks" in the previous sentence go in or outside the period, please let me know). There's a nice little bike path that runs in front of Bongo Java along Belmont, but after that, you're pretty much on your own.

I took a little jaunt through Hillsboro Village and saw my new humus-loving-friend, Mary in front of Fido, and we talked for about 4 minutes. I didn't recognize her at first because she was out of context (I usually see her at Bongo Java) and I am kind of an air-head. She introduced me to her roommate, but I've forgotten her name already because I get nervous in front of girls.

What I noticed today is just how many people talk on their cell phones when they drive. I was a nervous wreck watching women in mini-vans aimlessly drift into the intersection as I rode up on them. They were all absolutely in the deepest, most important conversation in the history of conversations (which is pretty Zen-like, actually, but I had this pressing feeling that they had all just left the house and were calling to make sure the kids weren't eating all the Oreos or something).

It's just a matter of time before driving and talking on the phone is against the law, and I should be the first example they use. Seriously, lately I've been getting into text messaging a little and you talk about a driving distraction! I need to stop that, along with a hundred other things, but that will be first, damnit!

So, I'm guessing you probably noticed this post has nothing to do with the title. Sorry, I just thought it would be a good hook.


At 1:54 PM , Blogger The Oscillator said...

I was telling someone that my eyes are weird sometimes. Like I can see fine, but can't focus, or maybe I'm just day dreaming... Like Eddie Vedder says, "Now I can't see, I just stare..." I'm glad you picked up on my little Bongo Java context line.


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