Thursday, May 12, 2005

Food and addiction

I am unusually miffed by how overweight people are these days.

Today I was standing in line at Subway (the low-fat/eat fresh palace) and 11 out of the 14 people in line were noticeably overweight. That is nearly 80 percent and this is in the crown jewel of "healthy" fast-food illusions. Sure, they could all be on the pursuit of Jared and eating two low-fat subs a day, but I've heard "can I get a little extra mayo on that foot-long" one too many times to think these people are on diets.

So, let's look at the Lottery from a bigger perspective. Sure, it's just a little fun, you know... scratch and sniff some numbers kind of thing. But think about this... Does it open the door for a different kind of mentality? Maybe make it easier for people to try that next rush or gamble a little more often by creating a habit? Look, I'm not going to search the Internet for evidence to back this up, but we know it's out there. I just think if you're going to open the Lottery door, we should blast open a few more why we're at it. Prostitution, drugs, Hempfests, etc...

Have you ever seen someone when they actually "win" the Lottery? They go bonkers or deep into depression. And, yes, I know that it doesn't happen that way with all people, but a huge chunk of our society is laced with addiction and depression issues, and in my opinion, a lottery is fuel for both.

I guess the game is the fun and, God knows human's need fun... But please, just for once, can we not be hypocritical? The Lottery is gambling and I think if that's ok, why isn't a damn office pool? I'm not worried, though. Soon, there will be far too many things on our law enforcers plates to deal with a silly little office pool, but I'm sure the thinking when they banned such office fun was something like this: "Sure, it starts with an office pool, then it turns into fixing the books and insider trading."

Ie... the habit snowballs. Much like a scratch off game turns into a Powerball addiction which turns into a flight to Vegas to bet on baseball. Or how a Caesar salad turns into a turkey foot-long which turns into a meatball sub and cookies.

So, I'm standing in this Subway line again FOREVER. I'm talking like 20 minutes and I think that's excessive these days with all the fast bake ovens. When I finally got to the guy who was on the register, the phone rings, and I shit you not, he took a phone order.

I'm standing there right in front of him and he dashes off to get the phone like that person is obviously more important than me. He spends like 3 minutes on the phone, which seemed like another 10 because now my freshly made sub is tightly wrapped in that warm Subway paper and sitting right in front of me. I'm a little annoyed, but not expressing it because that's my typical thing I usually trick my mind into going somewhere else.

While he was on the phone I decided the next time I walked up to the door and saw a line 15 deep, I would simply pull out my cell phone and place an order from the parking lot. Yes, and I will be there in 5 minutes and am in a huge hurry! This brought a deviant smile to my face and just then my delightful daydream was interrupted by, "chips and a drink?"

Sure, and a cookie too, please.

Now I have a lunch story from the next day. A woman I work with on occasion wanted to talk to me about some upcoming events she thought I could help her with so we met at Atlanta Bread Company. We ordered, and I picked up our trays when she was in the bathroom. I'm sitting there staring at food again when she came back and said, "oh, I just hate when guys blatantly stare at women when you walk by, it makes me sick."

I looked deep in her eyes and said, "let me tell you something, I personally think women are the most beautiful thing on earth and it is very hard for me NOT to look at them, especially when they are attractive. I mean, the other day I was standing in line at Subway for twenty minutes and every woman in line was overweight and far from sexy." (No wonder I was so testy).

She's like, "Yeah, I can see that, but it's these creepy stares that bother me."

That's when I realized I was fixated on her breasts.


At 11:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Love me for my brains and not my tits you sleezy men!".

I wonder what would happen if the tables were reversed. If good looking guys got 20-30 sleezy stares per day from women.

Granted, males have a different constitution than females, but I bet most men would get sick of it after a while too.

"Love me for my brains and not my devilishly good looks you sleezy women!".

At 12:38 PM , Blogger The Oscillator said...

I agree one hundred percent. Personally, I get sick of it as it is...and I only get one or two stares a day if I'm lucky. I was just stating that it's difficult not to look at attractive women.

At 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think saying that it's difficult to not look/gawk at attractive women is an understatement. It's almost impossible! Although, I think it's easier to not look/gawk at hot women when you are dating someone you are in love with.

At 2:08 PM , Blogger Sofia said...

In Detroit
With the Nashville tears
Like you said it's
Down in the heat with the broken numbers

At 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lost me there.

At 3:23 PM , Blogger Sofia said...

It would be exciting instead of being on the outside looking in, get inside and look out.
I try sometimes but it's too difficult for a wallflower.

At 4:10 PM , Blogger The Oscillator said...

Yes, agreed. Love makes many things seem insignificant.

At 4:11 PM , Blogger The Oscillator said...

Yes, agreed. Love makes many things insignificant.

At 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if love makes many things or the hot woman thing seem insignificant to me. I was thinking more along the lines that I picture women less as sex objects and more as people when love is in the equation. Oh no! That sounds like I just made women seem more significant!! I better re-think that one!!

At 8:48 PM , Blogger The Oscillator said...

Women ARE more significant. That's the irony of it all.

At 10:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, what a fat ass country we live in. we need to get a clue about portion control.

Thank you,
Dick E. Lixer


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