Monday, October 16, 2006

The Internet blows

Had a discussion with a guy at work about "how things are now" and we both agreed the internet has ruined everything. Maybe a little dramatic, but consider what it is doing to our lives.

Nothing is exciting anymore. There is no suspense and everything you want to know or see is a mere click away. Want to know what John Mark Karr had for lunch today? Check the blogs. Want to know how many bottles of Head and Shoulders Proctor and Gamble sells? Do a search. Want to see a picture of your neighbor having sex? It's either there or will be soon.

The thing I loathe is that everyone is a fucking expert these days. And it's all "headline knowledge." Everyone knows just enough to be both dangerous and boring in the same breath.

"Oh, what you have is a sprained mucocusolous nerve in your bling blang. Yeah, those can be crippling, read it on Yahoo! the other day."

You prick! I don't need your boxer short observation of the world or my sprained mucocusolous nerve.

I work in news and the whole industry is an oxymoron because nothing is new. "Hey'd you hear about that plane crash that started an earthquake and burned down an entire village of Africa and interrupted Madonna's effort to adopt an orphan from Sudan?"

Oh, yeah, read that twenty minutes ago on

Never before have so many people known so much, yet known so little. That's why I rarely say anything because it is typically met with, "yeah, but blah blah, this is how it really is..." Oh yeah? Well go fuck yourself and your RSS feeds.

Now, I'm not really that bitter, but there is always truth in a good rant and I think it's time we did two things:
- One, give up the internet for one day a week. (My fingers shake as I type this).
- Two, don't drive for one day a week and give the oil companies something to think about.

Immediacy blows and I am contemplating whether or not to post this blog at all because when I do everyone in the world will share it with everyone they know and not even this will be unique.

I should make the world sweat a little. Tease them by putting this entire entry in "draft mode." Saving it and reading it myself whenever I feel the urge to know something that no one else in the world knows besides me. But then again, it's not even posted yet and I have a feeling that some of you have already read it. Just the mere idea that I am typing this blog is probably known by someone, somewhere in the world.

We're screwed. Big Brother is us.


At 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention, after 5 or 10 minutes surfing the web my eyes start to glaze over from boredom. There's nothing good on the net.

It's like the ultimate toy you get for Christmas and then the novelty wears off pretty fast.

It's a fake form of human engagement. You are, in reality, disengaging from life when you are surfing the net.

I usually log off wondering why I just signed on.

Beyond checking email and the occasional dalliance, I don't have much use for the net.

Thank you for your time,
Dick E. Lixer


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