Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Direction

Disclaimer: In no way am I quoting in the following blog.

I have decided to change the name of my blog to "The Liquid Kosmos." It's all part of my attempt at evolution and inspired by a recent listen to Ken Wilber's audio session called "Kosmic Consciousness."

While it is an amazing and mind bending listen, it's really nothing we don't know. He just maps things out to make our path's make more sense.

Let me preface all of this by saying that I grasped about 1/100th of what he said, but from now on this blog will be dedicated to sharing my new discoveries. My explainations will surely be crude, but they will all be valid in my quest of understanding who I am and why I am here.

Wilber is, in essence, a philosopher who has studied all (or surely most) of the World's religions and pulled out important beliefs and similarities to create a map that brings them all together into sort of a perenial philosophy. Essentially he breaks religion down to two types; Ascending (those who believe that everything of meaning happens when we leave earth) and Decending (those who believe everything that matters happens here and now). It is far more complex than that and includes many different levels, lines, states, stages, etc, but the bottom line of it all is creating a path that gives you the best chance for growth.

My take on what he is saying is this: It's time for people to take it to the next level. The world has been moving at a very rapid pace. One where technology has given people the capabilities of doing almost anything and powerful technology in the hands of someone who isn't mentally or spiritually evolved can be a dangerous thing. Again, his philosophies are far more complex than just that and I want to make it clear that he is very much a proponent of enjoying life and getting the most out of it that we can, and at the same time genuine in his ascention.

I just now realized how difficult all of this is to articulate, but from now on, I will try to relate my daily experiences as examples of what the hell I am trying to say.


At 7:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry for my recent absence from the blog boards. This is indeed an interesting direction you are heading in. I have often thought, however, that our understanding of God and/or the universe is about as keen as a dog's understanding of it's owner. Not to sound as if I was quoting a bumper sticker, but I feel there is some validity to that outlook. I am hopeful that we will someday evolve to a point of a much clearer understanding of it all.

Thank You,
Dick E. Lixer

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