Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Terrell Owens

Since sports seems to drive my blog readership more than anything else I might as well chime in on the Terrell Owens. For those of you who don't know him, he is a controversial wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys.

Last night, he shocked the world again by allegedly overdosing on pain pills and some reports claimed that he attempted to commit suicide. He denied it and said the rumor is ludicris and that he is a happy man.

It's hard to imagine why he wouldn't be a happy man. Fame, fortune, women, and whatever else he wants is in his pocket. But since everything in life is relative, I would guess that when you have everything and still have a nature of "wanting more" it can be rather depressing when you find there is nothing left to get. But, if I may borrow from U2, "He still hasn't found what he's looking for."

I'm really not into gossip, but when someone so clearly invites and seeks it, the temptation is difficult to resist. He didn't try to commit suicide. He's too scared. It's the rush he seeks and in this case it was a loosely couched exploration of death.

Death is the ultimate curiousity and potential stimulant. How else can we explain the popularity of shows like CSI, Homicide 101, 102, and 103??? People are arrested by murder, death and suffering.

People die when there is nothing left in life. We are on a continuum from birth to death. It's that simple. Some people cling to the former, others lean toward the latter. Many just accept and enjoy life at the moment. Terrell Owens is struggling with who he is. With "being." And I'm not saying that is bad or stupid or anything, because most of us struggle with the same thing.

I've said many times that I'm glad I don't have fortune and fame because I don't think I could handle them. It's about dealing with stimulants in a way that is healthy and productive. T.O. would probably better off seeking good friends and a spiritual connection rather than attention and money for his bank account.


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