Sunday, May 08, 2005

Friday, Saturday and all that jazz

I always talk about needing inspiration. "I have to feel inspired to write my book, write my screen play, work out." What a load of crap. I just need to get off my ass and start doing these things and here's a perfect example...

Friday night was the opening of "Blognashville" and the ultimate blog-party-thrower pulled off the seemingly impossible. He wrangled together a throng of independent thinkers and launched a new nightclub in the process - Wolfy's Den in the glass radio tower building attached the the Gaylord Center.

Like anything that is new, the Blog Party was an interesting observation. Strangers meeting for the first time, but with an unusual amount of personal background on the other. I'm trying to think of an analogy, but it hasn't come to me yet.

If nothing else, it was a celebration of a new form of communication. A person's right and ability to talk to the world. To be heard and to give the conversation a little "push" in the direction they feel it needs to go.

Some of the biggest bloggers in the the country (and world) were at this festive gathering. There was even a crew from Chicago doing a documentary. Men (many men) and not nearly enough women socialized, hypothesized, and swapped spit. Blake was the self-proclaimed "3rd host" and he embraced it for all it was worth. I dubbed him the "social bloggerfly." Good stuff... Inspiring stuff...

Saturday there was a full slate of educational sessions presented at Belmont University - all aimed to make us more impactful bloggers and to bring everyone together in an effort to make this movement more powerful. Exciting...grass-roots...Wild West kind of stuff... Inspiring!

But, how many blogs do you think I threw down yesterday? You guessed it... ZERO.

Funny thing was, I rushed home from the sessions ready to blog the world into a safer more palatable place too. I sat down, then remembered that I had to go to the Main Street Jazz Festival in Murfreesboro.

Let me tell you, the 'Boro is a nice little place, but it's tough for me to spend time there. It reminds me of ... I'm not sure what, but it smelled like a carnival yesterday and that smell kind of brings back bad memories of the time I traveled with the circus.

Also, and here's something, you know the porto-johns? The blue ones that sit in an ominous line that seems to go on for blocks? I had a weird experience in one of them yesterday. Not that anything happened, but I realized how strange it felt to be in one completely sober. Usually I'm buzzed by the time I step in one and it is typically a nice refuge from the unruly crowd. And I'm usually so focused on the hot girl I just saw in line to notice the indiscretions that lie within... But yesterday, I was REALLY grossed out by the internal contents of this sanctuary. Anyway... that's the whole story, but I thought it was worthy of noting.

A couple of co-workers introduced, internationally revered headliner, Pat Martino to the huge crowd on the square while I walked around on stage and took pictures. I was, of course, mesmerized by the drummer who was tuning up his kit, so the pictures weren't all that.

In summary, Blog Nashville was very diverse in a Anglo-Saxon kind of way. There were tall, short, plump, and even skinny white guys there. Sure, there was an Iranian blogger, an Asian or two, and a few African Americans, but it was pretty much white guys trying to get a little fun out of this life. And how can you argue with that?


At 10:23 AM , Blogger The Oscillator said...

Thanks Blake...I've been writing a while now... guess it's time to be out in the open.

At 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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At 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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At 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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