Saturday, April 09, 2005

Here she comes again

There are too many cars around here. I just tried doing a little skating in the neighborhood bike lane and came back with a measurable increase in my anxiety level. Cars go fast and they seem powerful when you're on a couple of roller skates.

I should talk, I have two cars. And I can honestly say that I try to keep an eye out for bikers and skaters, but the truth is my mind tends to drift. Just imagine how it is for people who aren't focused on our exercising friends. They are seconds from a devistating crash at all times.

That's just how we are these days. (I love how I feel like I can make blanket statements like that). We have a lot on our minds and it leads to a lot of unnecessary "mistakes."

I am calling for a world wide day of meditation to see if we can bring the universal pace down a notch. Calm minds may prevail on more occasion.

Along with that I am proposing we take one other day of the year make it a non-driving day. No cars on the road. Let the kids run free in the streets, let the roller bladers spin out of control, and let the bikers ride wheelies until their hearts are content. Pollution would dip, disgruntled families would be forced to talk and we would save millions on gas.

I'm only asking for two days. Doesn't seem like much. One day we meditate, the other we don't buy gas. Hell, we could even combine the two and only take one day away from our inate desire for commerce.


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