Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Future is Now

Interestingly enough I may soon have the responsibility of three jobs for the same amount of pay. It's a long story with both happy and sad endings, but for some reason I feel a stream of relief this evening.

My friend Michael called at 7 am today and whenever that happens I'm thinking "Oh shit! Something must be wrong." So, I call him back and he's like "Dude, wanna get some breakfast?" I said, "huh?"

We ended up skipping breakfast and talking online marketing. It's an interesting time in the marketing world. So many rules are flying out the window that I can hardly keep from jumping myself. It is kinda freaky when some 16 year old kid knows more about what's going on on the Internet than a 40 year old marketing professional.

Truthfully it is exciting. The world is still about relationships and I think that is where I excel. (With the exception of long term ones with women).

Then I have a meeting with a radio executive today and he's telling me at some point in the near future you'll be listening to your car radio, watching stock quotes and (here's the kicker) punching a button in your car when a pizza commercial is on and ordering it on the spot so it's waiting at your door when you get home. I think that shit is funny.

He also talked about how each radio station will have a total of 7 stations in the digital world of radio. So long major towers and non-encroachmen rules. There will be 150 radio stations right here in Nashville. Which, he also stated is why satellite radio is actually in more trouble than people think.

I think he's right because people will always want a "local" feel to their radio station. Imagine the coolest XM radio station with a local connection that is totally dialed into local clubs and bands. It's human nature to support local unless local is a piece of crap. Time will tell whether or not radio stations will be able to reverse the trend.

Which, of course, is a similar dilemma for local television stations. The internet is pounding them in a big way. It is up to tv stations to use their current muscle and build a future that is -in large part - online.

On demand is the buzz word here and people will not go back. They will want their news when THEY want their news. No more of this News at 10 and if you miss it tough break crap. They will want to hand pick which stories they want, when they want them.

The good news is that people will always want that stuff and those who do it the best will always thrive. Just like any business. I don't care if you're selling pizza in pizza alley. If you are good, you will survive.

Going to dinner with someone. Catch you later.


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