Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Midnight At the Oasis

Remember that song? "Midnight at the oasis, send your camels to bed." What lyrics! I should look them up because even though I probably sang them a million times in my 78 camero (with Jensen Triaxel speakers and a Clarion power booster) that is the only line I can remember, except for "won't you take me for a ride." It's probably some sexual masquerade that slid right by my naive high-school Chuck Taylor wearing ass.

It's been a few days since my last incomplete post. I am contemplating what it means to be making my thoughts available for everyone in the world to see, but not getting any "comments" posted. Obviously people are intimidated by my terse entries.

Well, starting the band back up. A woman friend of mine is a supremely talented artist and we do a keyboard/drum duo thing. She sings and pounds the ivory, I dance and play drums. It's like the White Stripes in reverse, except that I think we are potentially more bizaare. Not to mention sloppier.

We wrote about a dozen songs together about a year ago and before the relationship grew into a convoluted mess of emotions. She ended up recording a lot of the songs with another guy (and it was probably a good thing because he is a talented mother-fuker). Now we are rekindled and ready to put it out there. I'll post something for all of you when we get it recorded.

Oh, I bought the loft. I'm so random... I just went in with a check book and listened to a little speal and said, sure, I'll take it. 180,000 dollar promise and I don't know what I want to do tomorrow, let alone 6 months from now when the place will be built. They have a saying in AA... don't make any major decisions within the first year of deciding not to drink. I just made two monsters (the other being a new BMW, which freaked me out enough as it was) . The irony is that the biggest decision I could make is probably walking through the door of an AA meeting, but I guess I shouldn't do that for a year.

Fuk it, everything will work out. It's just weird thinking about that sort of commitment. I'm mainly hoping that it is worth about 30 grand more by the time I move in in case I have to sell it. In the meantime I'll just sit here and try not to worry about it.

Stay close.


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