Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Taco Bell Caper

They have mastered the delicate blend between sugar and salt. That is why I keep going back...Taco Bell, you bastards! Anyway...I do go there about once every other week and today was no exception.

It was around one o' clock and the line was about 4 deep, but the interesting part was that a cop had a woman in a mini-van pulled over on the curb next to the drive up lane. It was beautiful. First, I couldn't understand why she was there. Did she insult the drive through operator through microphone? I mean, come on, it makes no since that she would be there if he pulled her over on the street. Unless, she pulled in, was starting to make an order, then the cop pulled her over. "Ma'am, please pull over to the right of the drive through lane." "And a Chicken Bolieto....oh, excuse me, but I have to get a ticket from this cop first, then I'll complete the order."

So, I'm getting a kick out of it because I like to see women driving mini-vans get into trouble. Sort of seems like a perfect law of nature to me. But I'm getting worried that I won't progress through the line quick enough to get a clean look at her face and the inevitable tears flowing down her face. I order without the typical fan fare and move up along side our dis-illusioned housewife as she waits for the big black cop to present her ticket.

She's obviously upset, but I mean how bad can a profanity fine be? The cop lumbers toward her door and formally presents her with the bad news and she begins the signing process. "Yes, I acknowledge that I was a dumbass and broke all laws created by God fearing Catholics and did it in spite of my love for you Mayor Purcell." She's signing away, then I look away for one minute and has opened the door and is looking down like she's dropped the pen under the seat. Looking, looking, then getting out of the car to look up and under. Minutes pass and nothing. Then the cop gets involved.

They're both looking for the pen, she's in the backseat (probably hoping he jumps in with her) acting like she's looking for the pen. Where's the damn pen?? How can a ticket happen without the signing? Wouldn't hold up in a court of law, I'll bet... Anyway, they find the pen, she signs away her life, then drives away thinking of her fantasy cop and the grief she'll face with her husband later. Surely she opted for the former. As Seinfeld would say... "There's a show."

Do you ever wake up and forget who you are?? Me either, but I've heard of people it's happened too (and just between me and you they drink an "awful lot"). I'll catch all ove you zero's of people later. I'm off to talk about the big screenplay.

This makes me damn happy:
posted by: The Zen Maker


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