Friday, April 08, 2005

The "form" of things to come

Last night I was sitting in the lobby of a posh beauty care and massage studio filling out a the pre-requisite "first timer" form when it occured to me that I have probably wasted about half of my life filling out applications for crap.

Come on. What is up with all the paper? It's time for the embedded chip. Wave your hand in front of a sensor and they have the information they need. Name, address, surgery history, skin sensitivity quotient, favorite color and Mom's maiden name. I mean, that's really what we've become anyway. A demographic. Just once I would like one of those forms to ask my opinion about life or extramarital affairs or something. Get to the meat of who I really am. Not my name and age. That says nothing about who I am. Or maybe they should add a column right after age that says "feels like you are ____."

Speaking of affairs, I see the Tennessee legislature has introduced a bill that would make spouses who are caught cheating pay a fine on top of divorce costs. Now THAT is thinking. Hmm... how can we stop people from pursuing one of the most powerful urges in existance? FINE THEM! Yeah, great idea!

The reality of the situation is, that if you dug in a little bit the party NOT CAUGHT cheating should probably pay the fine. They have most certainly driven the "cheater" half-way to the nut farm and to me that's much worse than a little adultery.

Or better yet...make them fill out a form. People hate that.


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