Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ok, I'm back

It's time for me to write again. I have been reading a lot of blogs and depresses me that I am not involved.

So many things happen to me on a daily basis that are "blog-worthy" and I typically let them fade away. Don't worry, though, they are still in my brain somewhere and you will soon get the goods.

What has happened to me lately. I have become a work-a-holic. Doing my part to save a struggling company. I have been recording music. I have been entertaining wild friends. I have been preparing to move into my condo. I have been in a daze. I have been writing music (much of which has, for some odd reason, been country music lyrics). I have been sleeping better. I have been struggling with relationships. I have been thinking about taking days off. I have been myself more often. I have been hating pro football as usual. I have been very content in Nashville.

Yes, there is a lot going on at work. I am charged with marketing several different products and saddled with doing it by myself. My work is in public eye for hundreds of thousands to see. It is never good enough. It is never bad enough. It is very disposable. It just is. I am coming to terms with that.

I have recorded two cds this year. Both for different bands. One is with my old band from Rockford, IL (home of Cheap Trick and thousands of disgruntled blue collar employees). There is a good music scene there, but most of the bands are content fighting to be the big fish in a small pond. That's probably the case in many places and in many arts. Art is a tricky game and artists are very sensitive. That's why in some ways I found it a lot more enjoyable to "talk about having a band," rather than having one. Now it's real and if I "fail" that will be real, too.

None-the-less, I am going to go for it. It is my dream, my passion, my being. I have to see what happens when I put my face right in the thickest of shit. Dive in and see if I resurface. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing... Only if I could always remember that. Life is perfect in that way. There are always doubts and struggles that we face, but that makes the successes that much more enjoyable. Brilliant, this life is.

I want to continue these thoughts later tonight. I'm going to see a friend's band at Mercy Lounge.


At 11:35 AM , Blogger BB Logan said...

Welcome back, Spank-man. Don't let the man get you down. Follow your passion and you'll always feel successful on your own terms... instead of someone else's. You've got it in you... I have no doubt.


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