Monday, October 26, 2009

Birthdays and Freak Shows

Where do we go from here? Since this is my birthday I have made yet another commitment to writing. It is my dream, my passion, and it typically takes a backseat. The reason I like to write is because there are no boundaries. The reader's mind paints its own picture and anything is possible.

Today is the first day of my new work schedule. I will now be going in at noon and staying till 9. For most that probably sounds strange, but it fits my lifestyle perfectly. For one, I am not a morning person, especially when that translates to waking up and going straight to work. Today, for example, I got up at roughly the same time and went to work out. Took it slow and woke up at my own pace. Did a few things around the apartment and now have time to write. I'm also meeting co-workers for lunch at noon, so I'll be late on my first day.

But anyway... I just remembered I'm supposed to be funny, so I'd like to get back in that groove of social observation and satire.

I've been going to the YMCA for years now and typically go at night. The last two times before today, I noticed a man sitting in the lobby with his laptop and a full on headset. I thought, damn, that dude is knocking out a podcast straight from the YMCA. Kinda cool. Then as I left I heard something along the lines of "You sure as hell wouldn't like it if I did the same thing to YOUR wife." I'm like, huh? What is this dude doing here? Skyping from the "Y" lobby with his buddy? It wouldn't have been "SO" awkward, but he was there when I came in and left. I mean, really? Do you have to sit in the Y lobby and talk on your computer?

But the kicker was this morning. Completely different time of the day and he's there again! Sitting with his headset and blasting out conversation with no care in the world. The balls of that guy! I both loved and hated the situation. I thought, man, I could never do that... it's just too..... weird.... Then it took on the air of creepy. An older guy sitting there with his lame looking PC talking on the horn. Free WiFi... I get that part, but does he sit there all day and night? Talking non-sense at the top of his lungs? And how uncomfortable must that be for employees who see him wearing a hole in the new chairs?

I think I'm gonna get to the bottom of this if he's there tomorrow. Dude, you gotta fill me in on this podcast...

Saturday is Halloween... my favorite holiday, but since I stopped drinking it is oozing with anxiety this year. I used to love getting dressed up in the freakiest of costumes, getting into a different character and pounding beers. Can I really go to these off the wall parties and just drink water? I don't know... why do I not drink anymore? Has it changed my life? I can't really tell, but think it has something to do with the gradual nature of changes like this. It's like watching construction of a building. You can watch for days on end while they are wiring but nothing seems to be happening. Then one day....BAM... that building is amazing. Is that what it's like when you make life changes? Slowly, but surely your life comes together... then one day it all clicks? Let's hope.